Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Leaving a legacy for my children

Deuteronomy 6:6&7 says "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

Growing up, I went to church every Sunday. My brother and I would go to Sunday School while our parents went to church. However, that's where it started and stopped. I don't recall ever talking about God during the week, nor do I recall ever seeing my parents read the Bible or pray. I didn't have the assurance that no matter what happened, my parents were praying for me. No one asked me how my walk with the Lord was going and once my brother and I were confirmed my parents quit going to church.

I want so much more for my children. I want them to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that their mom is praying for them each and every day. I want them to remember going to worship the Lord together as a family and how we looked forward to it instead of dreading it as just another obligation. I want to make learning about the Lord an exciting adventure, to make Jesus so real to them that they will continue to love and serve Him long after they leave our home. I believe with all my heart that the Lord will help me with this but I have to do my part as well. So many things compete for our time and it's time to make Jesus the top priority. After all, He has made us His.


  1. My precious Cyndy, you have the desire to raise your children with a reverence and respect for the Lord and to know that worshipping Him is an honor and a pleasure. You heart is pure. I know with all that is within my heart the Lord will grant your requests because your heart is pure in this regard. Your children will someday look back on these years and praise the Lord for a Mom who loved Him and who helped them to love Him with a pure and zealous heart.

    Many hugs.............


  2. Such a sweet, heart-warming post. Your children are blessed to have such a loving Christian mother.
    Hugs and blessings to you dear friend !

  3. Cyn- You always have the best messages to share...and they are always the one I need most on any given day. I am going to start taking my grandson to church with me. Because he wants to go and we imperfect humans sometimes miss the needs of our loved ones. Thank you so much for providing this message today. Athella
